About Nardia Stone

Nardia Stone is a mother of three, investor, entrepreneur, spiritual teacher and writer from Akron, Ohio. She graduated from John R Buchtel High School. Has self-studied economics to improve her life.
It was the tragic death of her daughter at birth which led Nardia to change the way she approached her life. Having endured the dark night of the soul she emerged with a intimate relationship with God that as changed her life completely and was part of the catalyst which inspired her to make better choices and to start writing.
Her books Surrendered Soul Intimacy With God, and Pull Yourself Out Of A Dark Place Stop Suffering And Take Your Life Back is an insight into that painful time and how she became more aligned with God as a result.
In her free time, Nardia loves to study and absorb new things and is always searching for new learning opportunities that will improve her life and the lives of those she cares about. She also practices meditation and creates affirmations to reprogram her subconscious mind and replace the limiting beliefs that held her back. She’s the owner of Exotic Traveler her Travel business, she loves traveling to exotic locations and she is always teaching and playing with her children.
Nardia’s main desire for the future is to inspire souls across the world to know they are loved by our creator and to know pain they experience is only fleeting. She also wants to help them to understand the power of their mind and to know life is not happening to them but for them. She hopes that this book will go some way to helping realize this aim.
You can contact Nardia Stone on her website at www.NardiaStone.com